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Best Premium Porn Site - Top Paid Porn Sites list 2025


VirtualRealGay - Gay Porn Sites

VirtualRealGay Review

These days, VR porn may be everywhere on the internet, but it rarely comes in an all-male format, leaving countless horny headgear users high and dry. Well, not anymore, VirtualRealGay is here!

With a unique database of virtual sexual interactions that are sure to send any cock-loving man’s blood pounding down south, Virtual Real Gay strives to fill this specific porn need. Although VirtualRealGay may still not be as popular as some other websites, you should pay attention to its immersive scenes that put “your” cock within the fist, mouth, or ass of one of gay porn’s finest specimens.


Only HQ Gay VR Porn

VirtualRealGay contains videos compatible with all the main VR devices and offers steamy sex scenes. Porn actors Dante Colle, JP Dubois, and Pierce Paris are among the gorgeous guys featured on this site.

Various handsome, charming, and normal people perform, including twinkly boys in their early 20, dads, and hunks in their late 30s and early forties.

There are a variety of duos, solos, threesomes, and foursomes in action. While there are many standard sucks and fuck actions, the site covers more than that. Some of the movies include steamy bareback sessions, but the majority feature condoms, and one scenario feature some light fistfighting. Additionally, as this is a Virtual Reality site, some videos—or at least portions—are shot from the point of view (POV). Additionally, there are seasonal specials, one of which features the Easter Bunny-costumed Wolf Rayet.

Presently, VirtualRealGay provides 222 MP4 unique videos. The earliest videos are accessible in high HD and 3K. Without VR, you can still stream videos on your desktop. A collection of seven images is included with each episode. Additionally, the number of updates per month has gone raised to four.


Join the Top VR Gay Porn

30 days plan – $14.97 (recurs at $24.95)

90 days plan – $44.95 (recurs at $24.95/mo)

12 months plan – $94.95

Lifetime plan – $249.00 (does not expire)

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